
2020年10月5日—O&OShutUpabsolutelynobutW10Privacycanbreakapps,althoughthatcanberestored.It'samoreversatiletoolsobepreparedtounderstand ...,2023年7月22日—IstheresomethinglikeW10PrivacyorShutUp10forMacOSthatwillalloweasydisablingoftelemetry?·AboutReddit·Advertise·Help·Blog ...,2021年11月5日—I'veheardthatmostvideoeditingsoftwaresuchasDaVinciResolveisn'twelloptimisedforLinuxbeyondbasicvideoedit...

Do privacy tools like W10Privacy or O&O ShutUp10 break ...

2020年10月5日 — O&O ShutUp absolutely no but W10Privacy can break apps, although that can be restored. It's a more versatile tool so be prepared to understand ...

Is there something like W10Privacy or ShutUp10 for ...

2023年7月22日 — Is there something like W10Privacy or ShutUp10 for MacOS that will allow easy disabling of telemetry? · About Reddit · Advertise · Help · Blog ...

Is W10Privacy and ShutUp10 sufficient?

2021年11月5日 — I've heard that most video editing software such as DaVinci Resolve isn't well optimised for Linux beyond basic video editing. Would W10Privacy ...

Is W10Privacy still up to date or is there a better Windows ...

2021年6月21日 — I've been using Windows Privacy Dashboard for a while now. Works well and is regularly updated. https://wpd.app/.

Should I get w10 privacy or wpd? Which is better?

2021年7月3日 — It's true that a lot of these services transmit telemetry data, however the data is generally anonymized and pretty uninteresting. If you want ...


2021年10月5日 — Yes it is legit. I've used it for a few years now. There are some opensource alternatives but if you are asking for input on such things here I ...

W10Privacy or O&O ShutUp10 for Windows are great. Is ...

2021年6月22日 — W10Privacy or O&O ShutUp10 for Windows are great. Is there a similar application for Android? · Communities · Best of Reddit · Topics · Content ...

W10Privacy tool's tutorial

2021年12月19日 — This page defines the Allowed traffic list for Windows Restricted Traffic Limited Functionality Baseline which is pretty reasonable. It denies ...

What is your favorite Windows 10 Privacy hardener tool?

2021年10月5日 — In this case I recommend Sophia Script + W10Privacy https://github.com/farag2/Sophia-Script-for-Windows https://www.w10privacy.de/english-home/.


2017年4月1日 — Hello I use windows 10 just for gaming but I want to improve all privacy setting. I wanted to use win10privacy as suggested in ...